The first piece of coursework (CW1) will assess the student’s ability to develop a concept via solution-based thinking to solve a real-world problem or address a requirement or user need. Via a 2000-word report, students will need to clearly articulate the value proposition, technology, and platform through their design engineering process and methods of practice via artifact. Learning outcomes assessed for CW1 are LO1, LO2, and LO3.

Submission on Week 6

The idea of CW1 is to develop a detailed proposal document, which shows and describes your app and explains your idea, look, and functionality in detail.

  1. The Idea – what is the main idea, this needs to be explained in the document, clearly.
  2. Proposed Branding, Logo, Icon, and Colour Palette.
  3. Show core screen design proposals/examples/wireframes.
  4. Functionality – how the app will function, you can use visual aids.
  5. Device – state the device you are proposing the idea for and why.
  6. Price Point – the proposed price which the app will sell for on the app store and why.
  7. USP – there are over ten billion apps on the app store what is your USP, this will be important.
  8. Demographic – who is your targeted audience, and why? 7MUPR011W | Innovation and Interactive Design | IMP MA CW1 – 2021/22 Savraj Matharu – Francesc Moya | University of Westminster | Educating for professional life 2
  9. Market Segmentation – the market size for the app, means you will require background research. How your idea will fit into this market.
  10. Scalability – the potential expansion of the app, and how it can be scalable and expanded.
  11. Research – background research, could be into the technology, that the app may rely on such as GPS or database connectivity.
  12. Revenue Model – what is the business model behind the app, and will it generate revenue?
  13. Competitor Analysis – for the app or similar ideas.
  14. SWOT Analysis – for the app.
  15. Marketing – how do you intend to market your app, what is your marketing budget?
  16. Projected Costs (3-year plan):
  • Cost to build, you may want to break this down.
  • Marketing costs.
  • If your app generates revenue from potential advertising.
  • These will be associated with real-world costs.

CW1: Marking Criteria

CW1 (40%) Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO1, LO2, LO3.


Ideation User Engagement ————————————————————
– Ability to critically assess the effectiveness of ideation for engaging end
Interaction Design ———————————————————————
Demonstration of critical understanding of techniques involved in the
production of innovative interactive proposed design, brand and
Research and Critical Theory ———————————————————
Quality of research and critical evaluation of key theory and frameworks
pertinent to interactive design.

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