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Essay on online classes in Covid-19

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The world has changed upside down, we cannot meet with each other normally, we cannot talk to each other normally, we cannot commute normally, and hence we are doing most of the things online or virtually. Like having meetups online, and specifically, most of the universities are also teaching their students online. Under this pandemic of Covid-19, it is not easy for us to cope with the financial or the psychological pressure, we cannot be alone all the time, therefore, we have found ways to communicate with the people online and that is what the humans were doing in the past 50 years. We were making continuous technological changes in the world in order to shape it globally by building social connections online. 


Online education impact under pandemic 

The impact of online education can be both good and bad, it depends if the teachers are not well trained and they are not able to cope up with the management of their students online. Therefore, before we can teach students online, universities had to make sure that they have the proper equipment and their teachers are well trained to use or handle the electronic equipment and the software like WhatsApp, zoom, Microsoft meeting etc.  On the other hand, if the teachers are trained in this context and if they are adapting well to the learning management system, then in this scenario it could be really helpful for the students to learn and practise online. The world is going towards the digital globalisation and therefore, we all need to adapt especially in the domain of the education 

How to train the educators 

Universities can train the educators online through zoom or skype session, but first, there has to be a virtual learning platform, or learning management system. Through these learning management systems, the teachers can record their lectures and upload them, also they can upload and grade the assignment of the students, and they can also take exams on the given learning management systems. Most of the old teachers in this context need special training since they don’t use applications like WhatsApp or zoom, or any learning management systems, so they can be appointed with a special assistant, who can collaborate with them under this particular scenario, in order to guide students what they need to do to apply their knowledge and can make the best out of the online learning. 

How to tackle Cheating under online learning and online exams

It is never easy to tackle the cheating especially when it comes to online learning if students can be gathered at any physical location, then their online presence can be restricted on the systems, otherwise while sitting at their homes, they can easily cheat from the internet. Although a criterion has been established by most of the universities that scenario-based tasks will be given in the exams, it does not apply to engineer and mathematics students. Additionally, it has also been stated under the guidelines that all fo the work of the students would be running through the Turnitin software in order to check its originality,